from the sound of the slate

from the sound of the slate

from the sound of the slate

the sound of slate


When our 400 million year old ancestors set out to leave the sea to explore the land, their limbic system was so well developed that there was enough space here for olfactory memories of all kinds. Even when acoustic and optical signals were processed. The smell was and remained the most important sense organ for a long time. Modern anthropobiologists point out that "the fish in us" is still very much alive today (smell perception is bound as moisture) and has an enormous genetic potential. In the absence of a need, however, the olfactory genomes wither more and more, which has shifted "world experience" more and more into the auditory and later into the visual.

And with that we slowly come to the sound. Because hearing is much closer to smelling and tasting than seeing. Seeing (consciously) is a very active endeavor. We see something that is outside of our body. And when we don't feel like it anymore, we close our eyes. Hearing and tasting are more of a passive form of experience. Hearing also comes from outside, but even if we cover our ears, our body can feel the vibrations. It is even more extreme when it comes to smelling and tasting. It takes over our body whether we like it or not, the archaic realms of our reptile brain get into resonance and evoke feelings that the modern brain can only watch helplessly.

Trying to put the neural fireworks of our 400 million year old limbic system into words with the help of modern consciousness that is perhaps just 10,000 years old is an impossible task. Of course there are forms of approach, there are group-specific insider languages that make a conversation about wine possible. Does the wine taste like tobacco? If so, is it more Virginia or more Partagas No. 4. And how does the Partagas No. 4 taste? For wine? For a matured old-style Bordeaux? And the Riesling tastes of peach - and the peach of Riesling? Anyone looking for right and wrong here is wrong. Anyone who tackles the whole thing in a playful way has a lot of fun and progresses: If the wine were a fruit - what would it be? If it were an animal, an architectural style, a color ...

The more the attempt to understand a wine, the more its most fascinating aspect fades into the background: the antipod of understanding is being touched. Sitting in the opera looking at the libretto? Enjoying wine while looking at the analysis data? Either ... or. Fascination, traveling in depths and heights, really new discoveries ... Good wine is the invitation to take on a passive role, the invitation to be enchanted by the inner fish, to open up to the deep, archaic and incomprehensible sound .

Unser Bestreben ist es, den Klang der Schiefer im Glas einzufangen. Unser Wunsch ist es, dass dieser Klang einen Beitrag liefert zu tiefer Ruhe und Verständnis, zur Emanzipation, zur Freude.

to expand consciousness


contributes to deep understanding

he wines make one possible. The upper and the lower.

Unser Bestreben ist es, den Klang der Schiefer im Glas einzufangen. Unser Wunsch ist es, dass die Weine eine Erweiterung der Bewusstseins ermöglichen. Des oberen und des unteren.

Enrichment of life,



ulassen. An open to the sound

es Lernen 

new discoveries Feel the mysteries and secrets of an opera while studying the libretto at the same time? It doesn't work any more than But who can indulge in good music, who can indulge in a good glass of wine .... Be moved, be enchanted, be boundless ..

Really deep enjoyment demands being passive, demands allowing, opening up. indulge.

Bei dem nachvollziehbaren Wunsch, einen Wein zu verstehen, tritt sein faszinierendster Aspekt von Wein in den Hintergrund: Der Antipod von begreifen ist das ergriffen sein. Wirklich tiefer Genuss verlangt passiv zu werden, verlangt zulassen, sich öffnen. sich hingeben. Eine Oper genießen bei gleichzeitigem Studiums des Librettos? Das klappt so wenig wie Weingenuss anhand der Analysedaten. . Aber wer sich guter Musik hingeben kann, wer sich einem guten Glas Wein hingeben kann.... Ergriffen sein, verzaubert sein, entgrenzt sein..   

Sure, many people are terrified of emotional twists and turns, and now we're with the sound

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