Reprint of the historical maps

Reprint of the historical maps

The classification of 1868/1897

Based on the »Instruction du 24 nov. 1802 «the French Ministry of Finance began a new classification of the vineyards during Napoleon's time. For the first time in history - see quote - this rating is based on the fact "that the area with the largest harvest is not automatically the best" and in high-quality vineyards, "be it due to the soil conditions or the nature of the plants themselves, often only expressed little is harvested ”.

As an orientation aid for buying wine, the card quickly became such a great success that the trade demanded a corresponding work from the Koblenz district government, which was finally completed in 1897 after a long hesitation. Unfortunately, at this point in time, the official wine legislation with the law of 1892 was completely geared towards the "Öchsle" as a quality parameter, so that the cards lost more and more of their importance in the following decades.

In addition to 3448 hectares in the third category (ocher) and 2517 hectares in the second category (orange), only 181 hectares out of a total of 6146 hectares at that time, i.e. h only just under 3% of all vineyards, shown on the map with a dark red color as the 1st quality level. In the Verband der Prädikatsweingüter Deutschland (VDP), we have decided to designate these parcels as "VDP.GROSSE LAGE" (grand cru) - provided that the other quality parameters are met.

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Reprint of the historical maps

Classification from 1868/1897

Based on the »Instruction du 24 nov. 1802 «the French Ministry of Finance began a new classification of the vineyards during Napoleon's time. For the first time in history - see quote - this rating is based on the fact "that the area with the largest harvest is not automatically the best" and in high-quality vineyards, "be it due to the soil conditions or the nature of the plants themselves, often only expressed little is harvested ”.

Glücklicherweise übernahmen die Preußen nach 1815 diesen Denkansatz und brachten die Klassifikation in der 40er Jahren zu einem Anschluss. Mit Akribie und großem Sachverstand wurden alle Weinberge acht verschiedenen Gruppen zugeordnet, wobei oftmals innerhalb einer Parzelle zwei oder sogar drei verschiedenen Klassen ausgewiesen wurden. Während der großen Weinbaukrise der 40er und 50er Jahre, die von katastrophalen Missernten und einem ruinösem Preisverfall gekennzeichnet war, mehrten sich die Stimmen für eine Qualitätsoffensive des Moselweins. So erschien in Jahre 1868 in Trier das vom Winninger Districtarzt Arnoldi verfaßte Lehrbuch für Weinbau zusammen mit einer Weinbaukarte des Regierungsbezirks Trier, auf der die Katasterbewertung zur besseren kartographischen Darstellung in drei farblich abgesetzten Qualitätsstufen dargestellt wurden.

As an orientation aid for buying wine, the card quickly became such a great success that the trade demanded a corresponding work from the Koblenz district government, which was finally completed in 1897 after a long hesitation. Unfortunately, at this point in time, the official wine legislation with the law of 1892 was completely geared towards the "Öchsle" as a quality parameter, so that the cards lost more and more of their importance in the following decades.

In addition to 3448 hectares in the third category (ocher) and 2517 hectares in the second category (orange), only 181 hectares out of a total of 6146 hectares at that time, i.e. h only just under 3% of all vineyards, shown on the map with a dark red color as the 1st quality level. In the Verband der Prädikatsweingüter Deutschland (VDP), we have decided to designate these parcels as "VDP.GROSSE LAGE" (grand cru) - provided that the other quality parameters are met.

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