Der Keller. Ort der Wandlung, der Entscheidungen, Träume, Ängste und des Glücks. Nur wenn die fünf oenologischen Grundkomponenten eines Weins, die Reife der süßen Frucht, die Leichtigkeit der mineralischen Säure, die Kraft des hitzigen Alkohols, die Würze der feinen Gerbstoffe und die Wärme von Umami in einem harmonischen Verhältnis vorliegen, können die subtile Finessen des Weinbergs in seiner ganzen Individualität und Komplexität wahrgenommen werden.
For us, vinification does not mean »constructing a sculpture«, but, as Michelangelo so aptly put it, »knocking off the peel to reveal the core«.
Trust allows you to do without modern miracle weapons: careful sorting and squeezing of the grapes, long maceration of the mash, slow and gentle pressing, fermentation exclusively with wild yeasts, renouncing any fining. Instead, they are left to mature in wooden barrels on the lees until late in the summer - with some wines even until Easter of the following year. A vinification that recalls the golden years of Moselle wine at the end of the 19th century.
Unfortunately we are mostly killed. But if that is not the case, then something very wonderful happens «, says the old dragon in the children's book» Jim Button and Lukas the Engine Driver «.
From a different perspective:
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