what's new

from the sound of the slate ...

what's new? 

Terrace viticulture Sustainable, terroir, enjoyment A brief introduction
Events commented wine tastings, visit to the vinotheque,
from the sound of the slate A meditative journey with a microscope and organ into the depths of the rocks
Slate terraces, old vines and barren soils are warmed up by the autumn sun
of blue slate cool soil, dark stones, warm minerality
Kirchberg gentle landscape and wild taste in the middle of two churches
Stolzenberg a small location, only two hectares of vineyards - but the pride of the village!
Röttgen the terraces were blasted out of the rock with the help of dynamite
Uhlen Blaufüsser Lay daring alpinism on domesticated rocks
Sustainable, terroir, enjoyment A brief introduction to the Heymann-Löwenstein winery
Wines, texts, videos the current public campaigns from and about our winery
From the sound of slate A meditative journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Enjoyment in the winery, wine tasting in the vinotheque, art exhibitions ...
Wines, texts, videos the current public campaigns from and about our winery
From the sound of slate A meditative journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
Link with symbol A fantastic journey into the micro-cosmos of our slate
das Engangement für Ökologie, Gesellschaft und Zukunft
Terroir the cultural alternative to globalized fast food
Enjoy the fascinating taste of petrified seabed

Shift up a gear

Das Geheimnis von Fitness ist, die Intensität des Trainings genau an die körperlichen Voraussetzungen der einzelnen Sportler anzupassen. Um das nächste Level zu erreichen, ist eine kontinuierliche Steigerung der Gewichte nötig.

Mentales Training

Schnell kommt es vor, dass Sportler den Ehrgeiz verlieren und das Training schleifen lassen. Damit das nicht passiert, sind unsere Coaches bestens ausgebildet, um auch mental eine Stütze für jeden Sportler zu sein.

Numbers don't lie

Speed, weights, height - we want to show our members what development they have already made since they started training in our box. Therefore, our focus is on recording the measurable results of the athletes.

Gym: Tipps und Tricks

Functional movements with high intensity - that's what fitness is all about. Special gymnastic exercises help to do this cleanly. In our training, our coach will show you the best tips and tricks.


Fitness is not just any sport, but a real way of life. That's why we get up every day and do our best in the box. We would like you to participate in this attitude to life and ...

Benefits of Weightlifting

Defined muscle groups and body stability are just two of the benefits of weightlifting. Dumbbells are therefore the perfect exercise equipment to achieve permanent fitness. The correct execution of the exercises is particularly important.

Jan 2, 2018

For time:

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Dec 29, 2017

3 rounds for time of:
60 squats30 knees-to-elbows30 ring push-ups

Dec 27, 2017

'The Lyon'
5 rounds for time of:

7 reps squat cleans / 165-lbs  
7 reps shoulder to overhead / 165-lbs
7 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Dec 23, 2017

3 rounds for time of:
Row 250 meters
21 reps dumbbell thrusters / 30-lbs
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
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