Time is the enemy and friend of good wine.
In an economic environment characterized by cash flow and return to invest, it is becoming increasingly difficult to invest in sustainable viticulture.
to invest in assets that can be used sustainably for over 60 years (a new vine), over 100 years (a good wooden barrel) or over 400 years (a vineyard wall). In relation to sales, the capital requirement is so high that it cannot possibly be offset against 10 financial years. Whoever has the money can write happily. But commercial loans with a term of over 10 years ... Nothing
who has to borrow it
The grapes are far from ripe - but there is wild speculation about the quality of the vintage. The wine is still in the middle of fermentation - but the offers are being sent. And a few weeks after the end of fermentation, millions of bottles of the new vintage are thrown on the market. Why? and satisfy the longing for the great new.
Im alten Griechenland so gut wie alle Gottheiten verehrt. Nur einen Chronoskult sucht man vergeblich. Der Gott der vergehende Zeit, die Huldigung der Timeline war scheinbar von geringem gesellschaftlichen Interesse. Ist es die späte Rache eines beleidigten Gottes, dass er sich heutzutage so in der Vordergrund drängt? Schneller, schneller... Die Trauben sind noch lange nicht reif - aber über die Qualität des Jahrgangs wird wild spekuliert. Der Wein ist noch mitten in der Gärung - aber die Angebote werden verschickt. Und ein paar Wochen nach Gärende werden Millionen Flaschen den neuen Jahrgangs auf den Markt geworfen und befriedigen die Sehnsucht nach dem tollen Neuen.
The modern Chronos incarnates in cash flow and return to invest. But even if the stylish Cashcows graze on juicy Euro meadows - we don't want to pay homage to this god. But on the contrary. Claro, we cannot ignore the economic constraints either. But our deep sympathies belong
the god of timelessness in the moment of happiness.
The modern Chronos incarnates in cash flow and return to invest. No matter how gleefully the fat Cashcows graze on juicy Euro meadows - we don't want to pay homage to this god. But on the contrary. Claro, we cannot ignore the economic constraints either.
n -
. Or is it a final uping of a wine culture that has been pulled up against the wall.
But even if she is bold ... we will not pay homage to him.
he slowly turning wheel of the Greek carriage has given way to the dragging centrifugal forces of cash flow, retur tu inverst, racing bike. Chonos has that
The modern Chronos incarnates in cash flow and return to invest. And as a fat cash cow his companion grazes with relish on juicy Euro meadows. Or is it a final uping of a wine culture that has been pulled up against the wall.
Oder doch nicht? Obt hat es den Anschein eine letzten Aufbäumens einer bakorotten Wirtschaft.
The modern Chronos incarnates as cachflow. And as a fat cash cow his companion grazes with relish on juicy Euro meadows.
We cannot ignore the business constraints either.
Where is the time for enjoyment, for pausing, for timeless enjoyment, for joy in work, joy in the lineless, in overcoming time, in the deep joy and satisfaction of overcoming time.
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he does not worship
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