
from the sound of the slate


100 points for Trockenbeerenauslese Uhlen Laubach 2019

VINUM Weinguide Germany: “... the absolute jewel of this year's tasting, the 2019 Uhlen Laubach Trockenbeerenauslese from Heymann-Löwenstein. You couldn't get a whit less than 100 points. A great masterpiece. Great exoticism with a touch of passion fruit, mineral creaminess, elegant and opulent at the same time, great precision and fullness. "

Such complex wines only mature in a few years and are absolute highlights of winegrowing life. Only in optimal weather can the water in the grape evaporate after an infection with the botrytis fungus and give rise to raisins in which not only the fructose, but also fruit acids and minerals are optimally concentrated. In order to refine such gifts from nature into vibrating essences, hours of sorting, manual skill, perseverance and discipline are required. A huge thank you to our highly motivated team!

We look out over the entire Terrassenmosel with great pride. Of the 10 best noble sweet Rieslings in Germany, 4 come from our region alone! In addition to the Busch winery from Pünderich, there are the Winningen wineries Heymann-Löwenstein, Fries and Knebel.

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