Sociopolitical currents are often caught up in the thought patterns of the very structures that they want to overcome. Also the ecological movement. Even in its esoteric variants, it is based on linear thinking, which leads to a list of permitted and prohibited means and procedures. Much, however, does not do justice to the declared postulate of "non-toxic" and "neither synthetically produced nor systemically effective". In addition, the cellar economy is hardly considered and there is no reference to social aspects, so that the claim to holism is not met. Further development is therefore urgently required.
Fair and Green is not about pure teaching, not about a world in black and white. The focus is not on the one, right path, but as many sensible solutions as possible for complex issues. It is the theoretical approach that has encompassed all areas of society today: monocausal thinking is overcome by a systemic approach. The concept focuses on the change potential for sustainable management in all areas of viticulture. "Fair an Green" is based on the ongoing discussion about the scope for action between ecological and economic necessities, between cosmopolitanism and attachment to home and between social, religious and aesthetic needs. The concept is transparent, flexible and continuously gives the winemakers new inputs. No indulgences! The annual update of the certification is linked to the implementation of the suggestions for improvement. In this way, "Fair an Green" makes an important contemporary contribution to the development of a sustainable wine culture and to securing the future of German viticulture.
With a positive trend. We are now 75 members in 6 different countries. And the Federal Environment Ministry has just granted us over 4 million euros for our project to promote biodiversity in viticulture, which we developed together with the University of Geisenheim.
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